The International Ozone Association (IOA) cordially invites you to join the Association. If you join, you will discover why ozone is considered to be the leading technology of the 21st century for improving the environment.
The IOA was formed in 1973 to serve as the focal point for technology transfer and developments on ozone-related issues. For this purpose, IOA has served as the central , worldwide gathering and disseminating point on ozone information, bringing together scientists, engineers, systems designers, technologists, equipment manufacturers, and end users to share their experiences and research data on ozone and other related oxygen compounds.
World Congress on Ozone and Ultraviolet Technologies
August 27-29, 2007
Hyatt Regency Century Plaza
Los Angeles, CA USA
The International Ozone Association (IOA) and International UV Association (IUVA) will hold a joint World Congress on these synergistic, cutting edge technologies that are benefiting public health and industry.
This exciting Technical Congress will showcase the multiple benefits Ozone and UV bring to water, wastewater, air treatment and industrial processes. The US EPA and World Health Organization have recognized Ozone and UV as "Best Available Technologies" for meeting the worlds most demanding public health issues.
More than 5 Billion gallons per day of drinking water is treated with ozone in communities within a 400 mile radius of Los Angeles, California. Ozone and UV are also used in municipal wastewater treatment and water reclamation and reuse.
These include Proceedings of World Congresses and Proceedings of Regional Conferences as well as a number of general publications on specific topics.
The International Ozone Association is a non-profit educational and scientific organization dedicated to the collection and dissemination of information on, and to promote research in, any and all aspects of ozone and related oxygen species technologies.